Sunday Pre-Service Prayer will not be meeting this Sunday. Please join us next week on September 24th at 8:15 a.m. in the Upper Room.
Communion Lunch and Members Meeting. September 17th, 12:30-2:30 p.m. There will be no Equipping Hour or Children’s Ministry at 9 a.m. because we will have our quarterly members meeting after communion lunch. We’ll be welcoming new members; explaining the process of bringing on new elders; sharing our response to how God’s growing CBC; and teasing next year’s mission trips. We’ll also have time for questions! Members please plan on being there; guests are welcome to stay.
Membership Class. There’s still time to join the membership class which started last week! Questions?Questions? Please contact James Lee or Adam Bakonis.
Prayer for Malaysia. September 24th, 12:15-1:00 p.m., Wood-Floor Room. Before heading home for lunch, join with Joshua and Julie Lee in praying for Malaysia and their future ministry there.
Men’s Breakfast. September 30th, 7:30 a.m. The focus for this upcoming year will be trusting God and helping others trust Him.
Missions Spotlight. This month we are praying for the people of Yemen. Check out the Missions Board and bulletin for more information and prayer requests.
Sunday Pre-Service Prayer. Please join us on Sunday mornings from 8:15–8:45am in the Upper Room (except for Sundays when we have Church-Wide Prayer during Equipping Hour).
Life Groups. God’s people meeting in homes to share a meal and fellowship. Meet once or twice a month across Orange County. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, please contact Francis Orejudos.
Transformation Group. These are small groups designed to help each other grow in Christ through prayer, time in God's Word, and accountability. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, please contact Francis Orejudos.
Except for our membership class at 9 a.m.
Order of Service
Welcome and Call to Worship
Scripture Reading – Genesis 50
Pastoral Prayer
Sermon – Living for Jesus in an Anti-Jesus World – Luke 12:1–12