If you are unable to attend the retreat this weekend, we will definitely miss you and hope that you will be able to attend a future retreat with us! Here are a couple ways we would like to serve you:
Livestream of joint sessions at retreat. You can join us virtually! Our internet may be spotty up in the mountains, but we'll do our level best to livestream the joint sessions. We appreciate your understanding if technical issues arise.
9:30AM: The Comfort of God – What Brings God Comfort? (Gen 6:6-9)
6:45PM: The Wonder of God – What Displays God’s Wonder? (Job)
9:30AM: The Grief of God – What Brings God Grief? (Hosea)
10:00AM: The Faithfulness & Goodness of God – What Brings God Delight? (Daniel 6)
Sunday service at Fullerton, February 19 at 10:30 AM. We have also scheduled a Sunday worship service at our usual meeting place in Fullerton.
Audio recordings can also be found here.