We get to gather as a church to speak to God and hear from God this Sunday!
That’s huge.
During our Equipping Hour, we are going to pray together. We pray together because we can’t survive as a church apart from the work of God’s Spirit in and through us. The work that God’s called us to do as a church requires spiritual power. Prayer is a way we talk to Him and receive the help we need to serve Him.
In our main service, we are going to be looking at Luke 8:40–56 where we find a familiar story that gives us insight into one of the Bible’s most difficult questions. I’m praying you will be motivated to study the Scripture more closely and encouraged by what it teaches about how salvation works.
Parents: For the younger children this Sunday, you can have them listen for the word: “Jairus” To encourage them, Marda will have some treats afterward.
“Many crowd around Jesus when He is on the winning hand. What is the worth of their hosannas? The style of man that a crucified Christ delights in is he who follows his Lord in the day of blasphemy and reproach. A true soldier of Jesus can stand up for his Lord alone. He is as true to Jesus when he is the only one as he would be if all the million went after him. Blessed is he who is not offended with Jesus, nor ashamed of His cross. O you saved ones, run up your colors; fly them at the masthead, nail them there, and never let the enemy take them down. Oh that God would move every believer that has been a little shy or backward to stand up and bear the Lord’s reproach.”
– Charles Spurgeon, slightly paraphrased
Women of the Word. Ladies, join us on tomorrow, March 4th at 9 a.m. as we continue to study the lives of the women from the Bible and their great God. Guests and students 7th grade and up are welcome.
Church-Wide Prayer. This Sunday, March 5th at 9 a.m. Join with God’s people in praying for God’s people and for the advance of God’s Kingdom! Please prepare by spending a few minutes reading through the prayer guide. The highlighted portions will help you meditate at home and be ready to pray on Sunday morning.
Online Church Directory. We're launching a new online directory through Planning Center! Hopefully this will be a useful tool for building relationships and more effectively loving one another in the church. Please use the links below to opt-in and select what information is shown.
Directory link: https://cornerstoneoc.churchcenter.com/directory
Update information: https://cornerstoneoc.churchcenter.com/directory/edit
Cornerstone Bible Institute. Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Join us as we continue to learn how to benefit from our Old Testament reading. Anyone is welcome!
Recordings and resources are here.
Members’ Meeting. March 19th. There will be no Equipping Hour because we will have our semi-annual member’s meeting after communion lunch. Members please plan on being there; guests are welcome to stay. We’re planning on finishing earlier than last time! More details to come.
Studying and Teaching the Bible (Women). This summer the women of the church are invited to join a study focused on the fundamental principles for studying and teaching the Bible. From late May through July, we will meet for 8 weeks to go through the First Principles Women's Course produced by the Simeon Trust. There will be 2–3 hours of homework each week; during our time together we will discuss the homework and then break into small groups to share the fruit of our study. For more information or to sign up please contact Jessie Eng.
Membership Class, March 19th. If you are curious about membership at CBC, don’t miss the first week of our membership class! Anyone is welcome. The class will meet at 9 a.m. in the Upper Room. (For those wishing to continue in the membership process, the class will last eight weeks.) Questions? Please contact James Lee.
Foundations of Marriage (formerly Premarital Ministry). This class is geared towards newer couples planning for marriage, but it is also open to any couples interested in learning what the Bible says about marriage. Topics include the theology of marriage, roles of husbands and wives, communication, and conflict resolution. During equipping hour. Space is limited. Please contact Albert Low for more information.
Transformation Groups Celebration. March 26th, 6 p.m. More information to come.
Vacation Bible School. Children’s Ministry Event, June 26–29 (evenings)
Alaska Short Term Ministry. July 11–23. More information to follow via email.
Roots Summer Retreat. Junior High and High School. July 28–July 31.
Order of Service
Welcome and Call to Worship
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 62
Pastoral Prayer
Sermon: A Tale of Two Daughters – Luke 8:40–56