In Luke 9, Jesus is very straightforward about what is required for following Him.
We must say no to self.
When we think about what happened to Jesus, this command makes perfect sense. We are following someone who was crucified for our sins. How could we expect to go the same direction He did with our lives without being willing to deny ourselves?
This is like Discipleship 101.
And yet this command flies in the face of everything our culture is telling us about how we should be living our lives. It also is the opposite of the direction our sinful desires want to take us.
Why would we want to pick up our cross? Why should we be willing to deny ourselves now? Why follow a Messiah who has been crucified?
That’s an important question.
One answer of course is that the crucifixion wasn’t the end of God’s plan for Jesus. He rose from the dead, He ascended to heaven, and He’s coming back. And this Sunday we are going to look to the past in order to travel through time to the future and be encouraged to keep following Jesus – by getting a glimpse of what it is going to be like for us when He returns.
Parents: For the younger children this Sunday, you can have them listen for the word: “Transfiguration”. To encourage them, Marda will have some treats afterward.
VBS Volunteers Needed. VBS is a Children’s Ministry event on the evenings of June 26-29 for kids entering Transitional Kindergarten to 6th Grade in the Fall of 2023. To learn more, please contact Ryan Bakonis.
Women of the Word Spring Brunch. Ladies, we are excited to announce our Women of the Word Spring Brunch on Saturday, May 13th! Please join us for a potluck brunch, fellowship and time in God's Word. We will ask for RSVPs soon. Save the date and plan to invite friends and family for this special time!
Transformation Group. These are small groups designed to help each other grow in Christ through prayer, time in God's Word, and accountability. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, please contact Francis Orejudos.
Cornerstone Bible Institute. Wednesdays at 7pm. Join us as we continue to learn how to benefit from our Old Testament reading. Anyone is welcome! Pastor Joshua’s teaching and resources can also be found on the church website.
Studying and Teaching the Bible (Women). This summer the women of the church are invited to join a study focused on the fundamental principles for studying and teaching the Bible. We will meet on Mondays from 7:30–9:30 p.m. to go through the First Principles Women's Course produced by the Simeon Trust (June 5, 12, 19; July 10, 17, 24, 31; August 7). There will be 2–3 hours of homework each week; during our time together we will discuss the homework and then break into small groups to share the fruit of our study. For more information or to sign up please contact Jessie Eng.
Missions Spotlight. This month, we are praying for the People of Japan. Visit the Missions Board for prayer cards.
Church Calendar. Have you ever thought, “It would be nice to have a church calendar.” Well, we have one of those! . Please let us know if you have ideas how to improve!
Biblical Friendship Podcast. A podcast series with the elders of Cornerstone Bible Church on the book "The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship" by Jonathan Holmes, where they discuss topics related to biblical friendship, including the theology of friendship, its marks, threats, and the purpose of friendship in the local church.
Online Church Directory. We're launching a new online directory through Planning Center! Hopefully this will be a useful tool for building relationships and more effectively loving one another in the church. Please use the links below to opt-in and select what information is shown.
Directory link:
Update information:
Pre-Service Prayer. Sunday mornings in the upper room (except the first Sunday of the month), 8:15–8:45 a.m.
Roots Summer Retreat. Save the dates! Junior High and High School. July 28– 31
Handling Conflict for God’s Glory, Week 2.
A lot of life is spent avoiding conflict. And a lot of life is spent engaging in conflict. Are you equipped to handle your conflict for God’s glory? Or to help others handle their conflict for God’s glory? We’re going to have conflict…so let’s make the most of it! (Catch up on week 1 here.)
Order of Service
Welcome and Call to Worship
Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:20-3:24
Pastoral Prayer - Sermon: Glory on a Mountain – Luke 9:28-36