The way God has accomplished salvation on the cross is revolutionary.
It accomplished something nothing else could ever accomplish in a way we would never have expected and it should completely change the shape of our lives.
But does it?
How significantly has the cross shaped the way you thought and spoke and acted this week?
We are going to look at Luke 9 together this week and talk about:
I believe the message of this text is absolutely critical for us as we think about following Jesus and helping others follow Jesus. I also am convinced that it can be challenging for us to actually hear. Will you pray that God will cause us to come to His Word humbly that we might continue to be transformed by it and bring Him more and more glory as a result?
For the younger children this Sunday, you can have them listen for the word: “cross”. To encourage them, Marda will have some treats afterward.
Sunday, May 21st. Church-Wide Prayer at 9 a.m. Lord’s Supper at end of service. Church Lunch (Tacos).
VBS. VBS is a Children’s Ministry event on the evenings of June 26–29 for kids entering Transitional Kindergarten to 6th Grade in the Fall of 2023. Please use [this link to register].(
Save the Date! Three of our missionaries and their families (Joshua & Julie Lee, S & A, Jeena Lim) are returning on furlough this summer. Please mark your calendars and join us for these events. Additional details will be forthcoming.
Missions Spotlight. This month we are praying for the People of India. Check out the Missions Board for additional prayer cards.
Angels Game. Mark your calendar! Thursday, August 3rd vs the Seattle Mariners. Tickets will be $8 and available for purchase soon.
Cornerstone Bible Institute. Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Join us as we continue to learn how to benefit from our Old Testament reading. Anyone is welcome! Pastor Joshua’s teaching and resources can also be found here.
Studying and Teaching the Bible (Women). This summer the women of the church are invited to join a study focused on the fundamental principles for studying and teaching the Bible. We will meet on Mondays from 7:30–9:30 p.m. to go through the First Principles Women's Course produced by the Simeon Trust (June 5, 12, 19; July 10, 17, 24, 31; August 7). There will be 2–3 hours of homework each week; during our time together we will discuss the homework and then break into small groups to share the fruit of our study. For more information or to sign up please email Jessie Eng.
Transformation Group. These are small groups designed to help each other grow in Christ through prayer, time in God's Word, and accountability. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, please contact Francis Orejudos.
Biblical Friendship Podcast. A podcast series with the elders of Cornerstone Bible Church on the book The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship by Jonathan Holmes, where they discuss topics related to biblical friendship, including the theology of friendship, its marks, threats, and the purpose of friendship in the local church.
Directory. Members can view it here and update information here. Please check your information if you haven't already done so!
Calendar. Please let us know if you have ideas how to improve! If you would like to subscribe to this calendar using your calendar application, use this URL.
Pre-Service Prayer. Sunday mornings in the upper room, 8:15–8:45am. (There will be no pre-service prayer meeting on May 21st because the church will meet at 9 a.m. for corporate prayer.)
Roots Summer Retreat. Save the dates! Junior High and High School. July 28–July 31
Handling Conflict for God's Glory, Part 3.
(Our hour of prayer will be on May 21st this month.)
Order of Service
Welcome and Call to Worship
Scripture Reading – Genesis 8:1-9:17
Pastoral Prayer
Sermon – The Kingdom and the Cross – Luke 9:46-56