Pastor's Letter, Announcements, and Worship Service Details - January 22, 2023


I want to speak with you about a very sad reality this Sunday.

We are extremely privileged to have God’s Word.

Jeremiah Burroughs compares the Scripture to the sun. He says, “Take away the Scripture, and you even take away the sun from the world. What is the world without the Scriptures, but hell itself?”

The God who created the universe opens up His mind and heart to us in His Word.

What a gift!

And yet there are many who hear the Word of God and don’t benefit. In Luke 8:4–15, Jesus gives us some reasons why. His explanation is both a warning and a help to us. We will be challenged to examine our response to God’s Word and given a clearer understanding of why some fall away.

Come praying God will use His Word to change our lives forever.



For the younger children this Sunday, you can have them listen for the word: “seed.” To encourage them, Marda will have some treats afterward.

Something to Think About!

A very simple way you can encourage others is by speaking Scripture to them. There are many different opportunities for doing this and many different ways of going about doing this, but I thought I could share some basic suggestions that may help you speak Scripture to others in ways that benefit them:

  1. Be meditating on Scriptures throughout the week.

  2. As you listen to sermons, jot down notes or ideas that are an encouragement or challenge to you.

  3. Make sure you accurately understand the meaning of the Scripture you are meditating on or the passage that is being preached on.

  4. Pray and ask God to use that Scripture to teach and change you. Ask God to help you love Him more as a result of the Scripture.

  5. Don’t speak the Scripture with the other person in order to lift yourself up or display your knowledge or your own spiritual strength. Instead look for an opportunity to encourage the other person. Think to yourself, how would I want someone else to speak this Scripture to me?

  6. If possible, actually open the Bible so that they can see the idea you are sharing comes from the Word of God.

  7. After you have shared or even before you share, don’t be afraid to ask a question – what are you learning? If you are going to share what you are learning with others, be open to them sharing what they are learning with you.

  8. Think about the person you are sharing the Scripture with and what they understand and what they need to understand. Attempt to use the kind of language they will understand. Explain terms that may be difficult to them. Try to do this naturally so that it doesn’t seem like you are talking down to them.

  9. Be intentional about your conversations. This does not mean dominating conversations or forcing the conversations to go your way. It does mean looking for opportunities to direct the conversation towards helpful biblical topics.

  10. Know when to stop talking. People often have a hard time being encouraged when we are talking for a long time, even if what we are saying is really great.


ROOTS Youth Ministry. Interested in making disciples? Contact Clifton Stewart for more information on how to serve junior high and high school students.

Cornerstone Bible Institute. Wednesday, January 25th at 7 p.m. When you are doing a Bible reading plan, you see a different piece of the puzzle each day. But what’s the picture on the box? Come this Wednesday for the big picture of the Old Testament! (Open to everyone.)

Men’s Ministry. January 28th at 7:30 a.m. Enjoy breakfast, build friendships and talk about what God designed men to do. (Hint: it’s ok if you don’t hunt or change your own oil.)

CBC Annual Retreat. Register for our annual CBC Retreat: February 17–20, 2023 at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center.

Equipping Hour @ 9 AM

Join us this Sunday for the second of a six-week series: Overcoming Anger. This week we’ll explore what goes on in our heart when we’re sinfully angry.

Sunday Morning Worship Service @ 10:30 AM