God the Father is doing something amazing in us for His glory: He is making us like His Son Jesus Christ!
Because He is so kind, the Father is teaching us to listen to His Word. (God in His Just Anger could have never spoken another word to man after the Fall... but in HIs Just Mercy, He has revealed Himself to us! What a privilege we have!) Pastor Joshua will be preaching from Luke 8:4–21 on Sunday. Read this passage today or tomorrow, and I know you’ll be excited for Sunday morning, not just to learn, but to listen and be fruitful.
At 9 a.m. on Sunday, we’ll continue our series on becoming the right kind of angry. Having spent the first couple weeks looking at what anger is, we’ll continue our transition to repenting of sinful anger… whether you’re someone who is more prone to bursting out or to clamming up. I’ve been encouraged by those who’ve shared with me what God is doing in your life as you seek to uproot sinful anger!
I’m also excited for our men’s breakfast tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. We’re going to focus on what God calls men to be as men. Whether you’re married or single, older or still a teen, these are concepts that can change how you spend the rest of your time in this life. God has a beautiful plan for men as men!
Looking forward to the weekend with you all!
Men’s Ministry. Tomorrow, January 28th at 7:30 a.m. Enjoy breakfast, build friendships and talk about what God designed men to do. (Hint: it’s ok if you don’t hunt or change your own oil.)
Food Pak Ministry Informational Session. There will be an informational/Q&A session on Sunday, January 29th, in the wood-floor room at 12:30 p.m. The purpose of this mercy ministry is to build relationships in the local community by delivering food paks to families, with the ultimate goal of sharing the gospel.
Cornerstone Bible Institute. Wednesday, February 1st at 7 p.m. When you are doing a Bible reading plan, you see a different piece of the puzzle each day. But what’s the picture on the box? Come this Wednesday for the big picture of the Old Testament! (Open to everyone.)
Church-Wide Prayer. Next Sunday, February 5th at 9 a.m. What a privilege to pray to our Father with our brother and sisters because of Jesus’ work on the cross! Prayer is God’s chosen means to accomplish His will…and we get to be part of that! (We’d love to join you in praying if there is a burden you’d like to share, either printed on our prayer guide or verbally on Sunday morning.)
Foundations of Marriage (formerly Premarital Ministry). This class is geared towards newer couples planning for marriage, but it is also open to any couples interested in learning what the Bible says about marriage. Topics include the theology of marriage, roles of husbands and wives, communication, and conflict resolution. Scheduled to be held during equipping hour. Space is limited. Please contact Albert Low for more information.
ROOTS Youth Ministry. Interested in making disciples? Contact Clifton Stewart for more information on how to serve junior high and high school students.
CBC Annual Retreat. Register for our annual CBC Retreat: February 17–20, 2023 at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center.
Join us for the third of a six-week series: Overcoming Anger. This week we’ll explore how to repent of both blowing up and clamming up.
Order of Service
Welcome and Call to Worship
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 58
Pastoral Prayer
Sermon: How to Respond to Jesus: Learning to Listen – Luke 8:4–21