Finish this sentence.
Jesus is…
There are many different good ways you could complete that sentence. Jesus is God. Jesus is man. Jesus is kind. One fundamental way is that Jesus is Lord. This is so basic to what it means to be a Christian, that we could say you are not a Christian if Jesus is not your Lord. But what does it actually mean to call Him that? This Sunday we are going to look at Luke 6:46–49 where Jesus reminds us of one thing it means: He really does get to tell you what to do.
Come ready to be challenged!
Specifically, I want us to ask ourselves:
How do I respond to Jesus when He is calling me to do something I do not want to do? And why is the way I respond in those moments, so important?
*Since we have been talking about responding to persecution, I thought you might find this article challenging and encouraging. It is about a Chinese pastor who ministered to North Koreans.
For the younger children this Sunday, you can have them listen for the word, “Lord.” To encourage them, Marda will have some treats afterward.
I thought I could share with you a great quote about the omnipresence of God:
“That God is present everywhere, is as much a comfort to a good man as it is a terror to a wicked one. He is everywhere for His people, not only by a necessary perfection of His nature, but an immense diffusion of His goodness.
"He is in all creatures as their preserver, in the damned as their terror, in His people as their protector. He fills hell with His severity, heaven with His glory, His people with His grace.
"He is with His people as light in darkness, a fountain in a garden, as manna in the ark. God is in the world as a spring of preservation, in the church as His cabinet, a spring of grace and consolation.
"The omnipresence of God is a comfort in sharp afflictions. Good men have a comfort in this presence in their nasty prisons, oppressing tribunals; in the overflowing waters or scorching flames, He is still with them, (Isa. 43:2).
"And many times, by His presence, He keeps the bush from consuming, when it seems to be all in a flame. In afflictions, God shows Himself most present when friends are most absent: ‘When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord shall take me up,’ (Ps. 27:10).
"Then God will stoop and gather me into His protection; Heb. ‘shall gather me,’ alluding to those tribes that were to bring up the rear in the Israelites’ march, to take care that none were left behind, and exposed to famine or wild beasts, by reason of some disease that disenabled them to keep pace with their brethren.
"He that is the sanctuary of His people in all calamities is more present with them to support them, than their adversaries can be present with them, to afflict them: ‘A present help in the time of trouble,’ (Ps. 46:2).”
–Stephen Charnock
Thank you from Pam Couch. Pam wanted to express her appreciation to all of you for your prayers, visits, cards and gifts and the kindness you’ve shown to her during the loss of her husband Bill. She has been blessed by Cornerstone Bible Church during this difficult time.
CBC Annual Retreat. Mark your calendars and start saving for our annual CBC Retreat –February 17–20, 2023 at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center.
Membership Class continues this Sunday, October 30th. The class will meet at 9 a.m. in the Infants Room. Questions? Please contact James Lee or Adam Bakonis.
South Africa Missions Pottery Workshop: Last session Oct 30th
Last chance to sign up for the pottery workshop fundraiser! Details and sign up: No experience necessary. Please do pass to family & friends. Contact Jessica Wu with questions.
Women of the Word. Ladies, join us on November 12th at 9am as we continue to study the lives of women from the Bible and their great God. Guests and students 7th grade and up are welcome.
Baptism Service. Sunday, November 13th, 5 p.m. Come and hear what God is doing in the lives of those He’s saved as they publicly confess their allegiance to Christ and obey His command to be baptized.
Bible Reading Project. Thursdays at 6:30 a.m.
When God saves someone through faith in Jesus Christ, he does a miracle in their lives. Paul's two-word summary of the change that follows is "in Christ" or "in Him." The more you grasp the extent of the miracle of being "in Christ", the more you will glorify Christ with your life. This Sunday in Equipping Hour, we’ll explore the blessing of reconciliation!
Order of Service
Welcome and Call to Worship
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 45
Pastoral Prayer
Preaching of God’s Word: The World's Greatest Sermon - Luke 6:46–49