Pastors' Q&A


Episode #2


Questions Covered: (00:23) Question #1: How do I shepherd my child through losing a competitive event (sports, performances, recitals, etc.). How do we think about sports / competition and losing - biblically? (25:54) Question #2: How do I apply this past Sunday's sermon from Luke 4:42-44: "Jesus, Miracles and You" ///// Topics Covered: (00:23) Question #1: How do I shepherd my child through losing a competitive event (sports, performances, recitals, etc.). How do we think about sports / competition and losing - biblically? (02:27) Have I trained my children to respond poorly to sports because of my own attitude that they've seen in me towards winning and losing? What is the purpose of sports? What is the purpose of competition? So how have I prepped them? (05:30) Wanting to surpass your finiteness and desire to be perfect (10:22) What we often tell our kids is what we want more for you than winning is for you to honor God in the middle of the competition. So if you win and you don't honor God, you lose. If you lose and you honor God, then you really win in the big picture. (12:08) It's good to bring up stories to your kids of when you (parent) lost and how you had to deal with it. (13:28) How do we talk to our kids about the gospel in light of winning and losing in sports / competition. (16:26) We can easily take the good pleasures that God's given you and become enslaved to it / turning them into something that ends up destroying you. Life was not created to glorify ourselves. (18:37) Practical example: 76ers & Devotional Time (24:03) Keep losing and hardships in perspective. Even adults sulk after losing (e.g. not getting a raise, didn't get a promotion, etc.) (25:54) Question #2: How do I apply this past Sunday's sermon from Luke 4:42-44: "Jesus, Miracles and You" (26:50) Questions to ask before applying the text. - what was the author's intent? - what am I supposed to believe about Jesus? - how does the application fit in light of the rest of the bible? (33:21) In terms of how application in the Bible works and how we work as humans - we actually change is by looking at people and having heroes. What does Jesus value? How does shape what I should value? (35:22) Why we don't value physical miracles in comparison to spiritual ones, and how they are inadequate for dealing with the fundamental problem of human beings. (37:11) When you see a person who is convicted of sin, when you see a person who loves Christ more than they love themselves, that is bigger than seeing a paralyzed man walk or a blind person see, actually and more rare in a sense. (40:25) "You really will serve us by asking questions and serve other members of the church...what you're thinking about - probably five other people are asking similar questions." Transcript // Timestamps //




Pastors' Q&A

